Useful Links


Please note: You will leave this site in following any of the links on this page. It must not be assumed that UNISON Scotland subscribes to any of the content or principles of these links.


ACTSA Scotland

Community HEART
One Workplace Equal Rights

 Scottish UNISON Branches


Bargaining Links

Wider Trade Union

Local Government


Professional Bodies/ Resources


Scotland Directories etc

Campaigns & Other Links


Lesbian & Gay Links

Aberdeen Universities UNISON

Aberdeenshire UNISON

Angus Council UNISON

Argyll & Bute Branch

City of Edinburgh Branch

Clackmannanshire UNISON

Dumfries and Galloway LG branch

Dundee City UNISON

Dundee University

East Ayrshire Branch

East Lothian UNISON

Falkirk Council UNISON plus Facebook and Twitter FalkirkUNISON

Forth Valley Health

Glasgow City Branch

Highland Branch

Inverclyde Branch

Lanarkshire Health

Midlothian UNISON


NHS Glasgow Clyde and CVS

North Ayrshire Local Government 

Orkney Health Branch

University of the West of Scotland

Police Staff Scotland

Renfrewshire Branch

Scottish Ambulance Service

Scottish Electricty

Scottish Enterprise Careers & Development Branch

Scottish Fire and Rescue

Scottish Healthcare Branch

Shetland UNISON

South Ayrshire Branch

South Lanarkshire UNISON

Stirling Council UNISON

University of Dundee

University of Glasgow Branch

University of Strathclyde Branch

Western Isles Health Branch


UNISON National Website (with links to other regions and branches)

Greater London Region

East Midlands



UNISON Northern Ireland

North West Region

South East Region

South West Region

UNISON Cymru Wales

West Midlands Region

Yorkshire & Humberside

unofficial UNISON activists' blog

Trade Union

unofficial UNISON activists' blog

 TIGMOO The network for UK union blogs and bloggers

 Scottish Pensioners Forum

Labour Research Dept (LRD) 

Scottish Trades Union Congress

Local Government


Aberdeenshire Council

Angus Council

City of Edinburgh Council

Dumfries and Galloway Regional Council

Dundee City Council

East Ayrshire Council

Glasgow City Council

Moray Council

North Ayrshire Council

West Lothian Council

Western Isles Council


Scottish Government

Scottish Parliament

UK Parliament Web service (inc Hansard)


Professional Bodies

The Scottish Association of Social Work

Scottish Social Services Council 

Association of Colleges South West Education



The Morning Star

The Scotsman newspaper

The Daily Record newspaper

The Herald newspaper


Scotsmart Scottish Directory

Rampant Scotland Directory

Scottish Law Online

Scottish Island Shopping (Argyll & Islands Enterprise)

Scottish Enterprise

Scotland 24/7

Campaigns and Other Links

Campaign against chatroom paedophiles

Govan Law Centre A charitable community law centre based in Glasgow Govan, but serving Glasgow and Scotland for unmet legal need in certain areas. Site has free advice, caselaw & downloadable forms for citizens, on subjects such as repossession, eviction, debt, employment law, criminal injuries compensation and social security law. 
See also - their Scottish Executive funded site which provides expert advice on education law generally in Scotland.

Hadeel Fair Trade shop aims to provide a sustainable source of income for craftspeople working in community basedgroups in the West Bank, Gaza and Lebanon.

One Workplace Equal Rights - Mainsteaming Equality and Tackling Racism - One Workplace Equal Rights is here to tackle racism and promote equal opportunities in the workplace by providing accessible information and advice regarding your rights at work, including new rights under EC equality directives, in relation to race, age, sexual orientation and religion.

Show Racism the Red Card

The Scottish Labour Party

Scottish Legal Action Group
The purpose of the Scottish Legal Action Group is to promote equal access to justice in Scotland.

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations
The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the umbrella body for all voluntary organisations in Scotland.

Socialist Health Association Scotland

Thompsons Scotland Solicitors.


Palestine General Federation of Trade Unions

Community and Public Sector Union (CPSU - SPSF Group) Australia

Community H.E.A.R.T - Supports Health Education and Reconstruction Training in Southern Africa

Cuba Solidarity Campaign

The Nelson Mandela tribute site