Stand Up To Racism 25 Nov Edinburgh and Glasgow

The Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC) is supporting the ‘No to Racism, No to Islamophobia! Football for All!’ anti-racism event organised by Stand up to Racism, this Saturday 25 November in Edinburgh. The protest is being organised to highlight the racist and Islamophobic basis on which the Football Lads Alliance (FLA) are organising. The FLA have stated their intention to march alongside Vetrans against Terrorism that day.

It is vitally important that we mobilise to support this and the annual STUC St. Andrew’s demonstration in Glasgow, also on the 25th November. We all have to work together to ensure that the St Andrew’s Day March and Rally is bigger than ever before.

We hope that those on the East Coast join us on the Stand up to Racism ‘No to Racism, No to Islamophobia, Football for All’ unity event on 25th November in Edinburgh to take a positive anti-racist message onto the streets and protest against Islamophobia and racism.

Full FLA statement can be read here:
Stand up to Racism Scotland’s ‘No to Racism, No to Islamophobia – Football for All! anti-racism protest, assemble 10am St Andrew Sq, Edin (TBC):

Scottish Trades Union Congress St Andrew’s Day Anti-racism March & Rally, assemble 10.30am Glasgow Green

Time To Care

The Scottish Government has a choice this Thursday. They can either be a conveyer belt for Tory cuts,or they can use the powers at their disposal to put money into services. The Scottish  Parliament was set up with powers to raise taxes, with powers to do so expanded not once but twice.

“Who benefits most from our policies?” asked the SNP at the last election. Answering their own question they declared "we all do" - Council workers facing redundancy and communities watching their libraries close might (rightly) struggle to square that with the idea that whilst the service they provided or used is unsustainable, there's enough spare cash to cut air passenger duty.
UNISON will be joining other Trade Unions outside the Parliament. We'll be standing up for services and jobs and the principle that the Scottish Parliament should be a bulwark against austerity rather than its implementation device.

If you work in social care and are not being paid the Living Wage, then you need to let us know. Click here to tell us about it right now using our fast survey. #TimetoCare

TUC national demonstration at Conservative Party conference

4 October 201512:00pm–4:00pm

Oxford Road, Manchester

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Oxford Road, Manchester Get directions



No to Austerity – Yes to Workers’ Rights

National rally and march on the Tory conference

As the Conservative Party Conference meets in Manchester this year, thousands of trade union members and supporters will march through the city, taking a clear message to the party about its government’s damaging programme of austerity and attacks on the rights of working people and their unions.

For more details, see the TUC website.

Programme for the day

12.00: Assemble Oxford Road from All Saints Park southwards
13.00: Opening rally
13.30: March through the city on a route that circles the Conference Centre, ending at Deansgate / Whitworth St for coach pick ups

It will take place on Sunday 4 October in central Manchester.


UNISON will assemble in front of the Manchester Business School on Oxford Roa, between lamppost signs C and E, and will also filter into Booth Street East. Watch out for the large UNISON balloons.

Material will be at the UNISON assembly point for marchers to pick up, including:

  • Large flags
  • Small flags
  • Whistles
  • Tabards
  • Ponchos
  • Placards

Contact for further information

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