UNISON Scotland to lobby Holyrood on Trade Union Bill

Following the successful lobby of Westminster by UNISON activists on the 2nd of November UNISON Scotland are organising a similar lobby at the Scottish Parliament on the 10th of November.

The Scottish Parliament

The Trade Union Bill is a ferocious attack on almost every aspect of trade unionism. It shifts the balance of power in workplaces further to the advantage of employers and away from workers, whether they are in a union or not. It is fundamentally an attack on core trade union activity: facility time, check off, and the ability of unions to underpin collective bargaining with a credible right to strike. It subjects unions to unprecedented levels of civil and criminal penalties, red tape, and monitoring by the Certification Officer. It proposes to curtail unions’ abilities to fund political activities and campaigns

UNISON Police Staff Scotland fully intend to take part along with our brothers and sisters from across all the Scottish branches.