UNISON members reject 1% pay offer

Today (12th January 2017) UNISON Police Staff Scotland branch advised the SPA and Police Scotland the result of theconsultative ballot of their membership who have voted to strongly reject the employers most recent pay offer by an overwhelming 92%.


Branch Secretary George McIrvine said, “This result indicates the strength of feeling amongst our members and the employer must listen to this collective voice, take us seriously and get round a table so we can work out a better deal. Our members living costs are increasing in very real terms and their pay is a long way behind as year on year they are held to the minimum allowed in the public sector pay policy. Police staff continue to feel the pain of Police Scotlands integrationwhich has yet to deliver a fair and equatable pay model for staff and we’ll be waiting on that for a few years yet.”


After delivering the outcome of the consultative ballot on Thursday UNISON was disappointed to find that the SPA had made no provision for negotiations in the likelihood of a wholesale rejection.


“The only way forward for the Scottish Police Authority and Police Scotland is negotiation, “ said UNISON Regional Organiser Gerry Crawley, “True and meaningful negotiation that results in an offer which treats our members fairly and recognises their value rather than with the contempt they have been shown in recent years. Until the employer is ready to negotiate and sets out a clear timetable for such, UNISON will not participate in any further JNCC meetings.”


UNISON Police Staff Scotland await a reply from the Scottish Police Authority (SPA) on when they will begin negotiations.