National Suicide Prevention Week

This week we have seen a lot of focus on mental health and suicide prevention.  Sadly last year 728 people in Scotland took their own life.


Police Scotland launched it's 'Wellbeing Matters' campaign on Tuesday 5th September at the Senior Leaders Forum and this initiative will be supported by a team of Wellbeing Champions across the organisation from the 18th September.  These champions have been trained and have a greater awareness of the various support services within the organisation and can guide individuals to the help they might need.  A full list of champions will be published on the Intranet from the 18th September.


However, we can all do something.  If you are concerned about a friend, relative, colleague then ask them directly about their feelings.  Even if they appear to be carrying on with life as normal, if you notice signs of distress it will not do any harm to ask them, sometimes all they need is someone to listen.  You can also advise them to contact the Employee Assistance Programme on 0800 531 6091 if they are an employee or family member.  Encourage them to contact their GP for an emergency appointment or call NHS Direct on 111.


For further information then please look at the NHS Choose Life web page.