UNISON Police Staff Scotland members briefing

Dear member,

I have been elected as branch secretary on an interim basis until our full term election at the next AGM.

Michelle Brewster has now left the branch and we all want to thank her for the hard work and endeavours to improve the working lives of police staff.


Initial pay talks have proven that Police Scotland do not have enough money to give a pay offer that I would recommend you accept. The Scottish government has been requesting and been provided with additional evidence from PS/SPA and as a result an offer could potentially be on the table within a few weeks.

We made it clear that members are frustrated, angry and disappointed at the delays.

Recruitment Pause

The employer has told us of their disappointment that UNISON chose to release information on the recruitment pause before briefings had reached managers. It was vital for us to get that into the public domain to start building the case in the public mind to fight for our members' jobs.

We already have calls from members being asked to take on the extra duties and in some cases the duties of a higher grade. The answer to that is no... unless they take away some of your existing work!

Contact us branch@upsscot.org if you need support with this.

"Blue Light" Collaboration

As a result of the Resource Spending Review set out by the Scottish Government for the next four years and the need to make savings across the emergency services throughout that period work is in early stages to look at realising efficiencies across service delivery, assets and corporate services.

Fire, police and ambulance are looking at possible collaborative working across corporate functions such as;

1. Digital

2. Finance

3. Strategic procurement

4. Strategy, planning and reporting

5. People

6. Fleet

7. Estate

8. Training, development and learning

9. Transformation and change

10. Driver (blue light) training

They will also consider any potential there may be for greater collaboration between SFRS Operations Controls and Police Scotland contact centres. UNISON is asking for sight of the options appraisal which has been completed but not shared with us.

"CERP" Training

If you work in the C3 ACR or Service Centre you will be aware of a training course asking you to attend at Tulliallan. You DO NOT need to attend at the castle as local training provision is also being put in place.

It is UNISONs view that varying shifts and travelling to Kincardine is not necessary and is disruptive to your work life balance. We actively encourage you to speak to your management with your concerns and select the option to be trained in your substantive place of work.

Annual Leave

Members of staff should not be expected to ask a police officer if they want to take up days in their leave block before being agreed their own leave and should not be refused leave for this reason. Police staff do not have leave blocks. If this has happened to you please report it to your local steward or to the branch

Our branch Facebook page has been very active and engaging recently with many of these matters being discussed. It is one of the fastest methods of communicating with members in the absence of the bulk email system. Why not come along and like the page and keep checking for updates.

Kind regards,

David Malcolm

Branch Secretary

UNISON Police Staff Scotland